We work by appointment
Merging of two nymphs - the program of erotic massage

Merging of two nymphs

10 000 ₽
60 min

An exciting program reminiscent of a sensual foreplay, but you won't feel the pressure from the masseuse. After all, the main task of our nymph is not to ensure the satisfaction of her own desires, but to give as much pleasure and affection to her guest as possible!

The program includes:

  • classic massage
  • foot massage with hot towels
  • stone therapy
  • yoni massage
  • thai body massage
  • tender touches to a girl
  • shower in the arms of a girl before and after the program
  • “strawberry”
  • changing poses

Additional services

Merging of two nymphs


Merging of two nymphs

Strawberry+Sakura branch+Body kisses (3 in 1)

Merging of two nymphs

Prostate massage

Merging of two nymphs


Merging of two nymphs

End control

Merging of two nymphs

Peep show

Merging of two nymphs

Tenge egg + Aerobatics (2 in 1)

Merging of two nymphs

Second relaxation

Merging of two nymphs

Kisses on the body

Merging of two nymphs

Aqua foam massage in jacuzzi +20 min as a gift

Merging of two nymphs

Whipped cream

Merging of two nymphs


Merging of two nymphs

Touching the master

Available options

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    ул. Мясницкая, 41В Москва